“Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Matthew 28:18-20


“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

Acts 1:8

Monthly Global Partner Focus

Dominican Republic

STCH (formerly South Texas Children’s Home) International serves as a light for the gospel to children and families in the Dominican Republic by ministering in a variety of ways including children’s homes throughout the country. At its core STCH seeks to honor God, reach children and families with the love and truth of Christ, and enable others to join in their ministry. First Woodway and STCH began partnering with each other in 2021. We will be sending another team there July 20-27. Please be in prayer for this team as they partner with STCH- Dominican Republic to bring the love of Jesus to this part of our world.

Trips for 2024

God leads us to different places, people, neighborhoods, homes, and settings to share Christ. At First Woodway, we are ready to go wherever God sends us. Whether it be across the ocean or south of the border, we are ready to share God’s love with others.

Cambodia | February 17 – 27, 2024
Cost $2500 Per Person / Team Size 8 / Sign-Up Deadline: December 3, 2023

Join us as we travel to Phnom Penh, Cambodia to work alongside Hope International School with director Adam Ecklund. We will be helping put on CAMP week for the students ages Pre-K to 5th grade. This is a special week set aside from regular academic classes to focus on sharing Jesus with the students. We will also enjoy time with the Ecklunds, bubble tea, and a cultural day to learn more about the lost in Cambodia. Sign-up here.

Chile | February 29 – March 9, 2024
Cost $2500 Per Person / Team Size 15 / Sign-Up Deadline: December 3, 2023

We will be working with our long time partners at a girl’s home in Temuco. We will spend time loving the girls, helping around the home, and connecting the home to churches in the area through community events. We would love to have women of all ages pour into the lives of these young girls. We also need men to help with some of the work needed on the property. Contact sanderson@firstwoodway.org for more information or to register. Sign-up here.

Southern Asia | March 20 – 30, 2024
Cost $2500 Per Person / Team Size 6 / Sign-Up Deadline: December 3, 2023
We would love to take some of the following skilled members to help with the work and ministry going on in the village: doctors, nurses, agriculturist, animal husbandry, and/or construction workers. Most importantly, we need members who love to share the Gospel and their testimony! Sign-up here.

Thimar LSESD – Lebanon | July 4 – 13, 2024
Cost $2500 Per Person / Team Size 8 / Sign-Up Deadline: March 10, 2024
We will be working in a strategic location putting on a kids’ camp where we will share Bible stories, songs, crafts, games, and snacks with kids in areas that do not have a large Christian population (if any at all). We will also be a part of all the different ministries that make up Thimar (LSESD). These dates have been confirmed with our partners and we will continue to monitor the situation. Please pray for our partners there. Sign-up here.

Dominican Republic (STCH) | July 20 – 27, 2024
Cost $1800 Per Person / Team Size 15-20 / Sign-Up Deadline: March 10, 2024
This is a great trip for families, singles, young, and old! We will do a variety of activities based on the skills and talents of those who sign up. In the past, we have worked with children in orphanages, led women’s Bible studies, and done construction work. We have also helped out with family events, teaching, and medical ministry in the schools. Sign-up here.

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