We are a community of believers walking together in a lifestyle of worship.
Certainly God is up to something in our gatherings, but it is more than that – it is the body of Christ living out their lives to glorify God in every way. As God is working in and through our lives each week, the testimony of all He has done and is doing is a contagious thing in our times of corporate worship. We can’t help but proclaim His glory, His goodness and the wonder of His great love. When we join together as one singing, reading His Word, and praying, it encourages each one in the family at First Woodway. We are a multigenerational worshiping church. That means we value and treasure all ages worshiping together. We are blessed to have an incredible Music and Worship ministry that includes every age group. Our heart is to continue to grow in the Lord together – that we would be an ever more fervent family of worshipers.