The Well is a gathering place for women, college age and up,
to grow deeper in our relationship with Jesus and to create richer,
more authentic connections with one another.

The Well is the women’s ministry at First Woodway, made up of women from all different ages and stages of life … and we would love to meet you! We know that we live very full and busy lives, therefore our goal is to create a ministry fueled with intention and purpose. Every Life Group, prayer group, Bible study, retreat, service opportunity, and other events we offer will encourage you in your walk with Christ while also fostering genuine relationships with other First Woodway women.

FLOURISH is a one-year mentoring program, helping women to stay rooted in God’s Word while learning from a woman who is in a different stage in her walk with Jesus. Through your FLOURISH journey you will build a trusted relationship with your mentor/mentee, explore what Scripture says about your identity, calling, prayer, gratitude, and other relevant topics, and learn to love and follow Jesus. Learn more by watching our video.

FLOURISH applications for 2024-25 have closed. Next year’s applications will open in the fall of 2025. Please contact Elizabeth Oates with any questions.

First Woodway’s mission and hope for Discipleship Classes is to encourage you (every person in attendance) to develop a growing and understanding of God’s Word founded on distinctively Christian beliefs and healthy spiritual habits. We hold classes during the spring and fall semesters, with offerings falling into one of the following pathways: Bible, Belief, Behavior, or Community & Care. These pathways are designed to foster an environment of growth that develops our Christian community within our church family. Sign-ups for the Fall 2024 Discipleship Classes have closed, but be on the lookout for our Spring 2025 classes that will be announced in early January.

Please contact Elizabeth Oates with any questions.

The best way to get connected is to join a Life Group – a place where you will find genuinely warm and caring individuals. Below, we have several women’s life groups – all who would love to meet you!

Ruddell Life Group | Sundays | 8:15 am | Multi-Generational

Ellis + Santiago Life Group | Sundays | 9:30 am | Multi-Generational

Baldwin + Thornton Life Group | Sundays | 11:00 am | Multi-Generational

Reagan + Boyd Life Group | Sundays |11:00 am | Multi-Generational

Please contact Elizabeth Oates with any questions.

Thank you for your interest in serving.  We are happy you are here and have prayed you will find a place to serve and share the love of Christ.

Acteens | Acteens is a missions organization for girls in grades 7-12. Through Acteens, teenage girls have opportunities to grow in their relationships with God and their peers. Acteens learn to look beyond themselves and become actively involved in missions and ministry. They meet on Sunday evenings at 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm (dinner included). For more information, please contact Rhonda Jones. more information about Acteens, click here.

Women on Mission® (WOM) | Women on Mission (WOM) provides women an opportunity for ongoing missions, prayer, giving, education, and involvement. We meet on the second Thursday of the month at 9:30 am in The Venue (please use the back, side door entrance). We also have opportunities to serve with special groups that gather to do hands-on mission efforts that help and assist ministries, locally and across the globe. You are invited to learn and serve with us! Please contact Paulette Kirkpatrick for more information.

Christian Women’s Job Corp (CWJC) | CWJC is a comprehensive faith-based program to build Christian relationships and empower women to experience spiritual, personal, and professional success. Please contact Lynn Brooks with any questions.

Freedom’s Gate | Freedom’s Gate is a ministry dedicated to the spiritual, personal, and professional growth for incarcerated women through education and mentoring, enabling them to reintegrate more successfully into their families and the community. Please contact Lynn Brooks with any questions.

Comfort Quilters | Comfort Quilters is a group of women who love using their gift of quilting to bless others! Quilts are made upon request for FW members and their family members who are home-bound, bedridden, or on hospice. Quilters get to know the family and make unique quilts designed just for them! For more information or a calendar of events please contact Doris King for more information.

We need YOU! The Well would love to have you get involved in one of our Women’s Ministry Teams.

For more information, please contact Elizabeth Oates.

Meet the Staff

Elizabeth Oates, Ed.D.
Elizabeth Oates, Ed.D.Minister of Discipleship: Women + Marriage
Lauren Stephens
Lauren StephensWomen's Ministry Associate