We are called to be a Christian community serving a world in need.
This is the vision for our church. To carry out this vision, we rely upon six values. We desire that these values shape our culture and way of life. In May of 2021, Dr. Paul Sands preached two sermons about our vision + values. Click below to watch them. Further down this page, explore the values as we spend the next few months diving into what each one means for our church.
Soak Everything in Prayer
As we choose to live under the lordship of Christ, we want to saturate everything we do in prayer. It is our desire to humble ourselves and surrender all that we do – our very selves, our time, plans, strategies, ministries, budgets; everything – to the authority of Jesus Christ.
We want to be part of his Kingdom plans, and we do that by sitting in his presence as we bring everything before him. We invite his Spirit to fully inhabit our hearts and minds and the work of our hands.
Follow the Prompting of the Spirit
Preach the Gospel in Word and Deed
Promote Community
Build Up Families
Coming soon!
Meet Needs and Heal Hurts
Coming soon!