And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Hebrews 10:24-25


Explore the Bible

June 2         |    Commissioned (Acts 1:4-11, 23-26)
June 9         |    Empowered (Acts 2:5-6, 36-38)
June 16      |    United (Acts 2:41-47)
June 23      |    Placed (Acts 3:12-26)
June 30      |    Emboldened (Acts 4:8-21)

July 7          |    Accountable (Acts 4:36-5:11)
July 14       |    Worthy (Acts 5:29-42)
July 21       |   Serving (Acts 6:1-15)
July 28       |    Baptizing (Acts 8:26-39)

Aug 4          |    Calling (Acts 9:3-16)
Aug 11       |    Healing (Acts 9:32-43)
Aug 18       |    Including (Acts 10:34-48)
Aug 25       |    Praying (Acts 12:6-18)

Gospel Project

Unit 34
June 2        |   Prioritizing the Gospel (Acts 15)
June 9        |   Explaining the Gospel (Acts 17)
June 16     |   Safeguarding the Gospel (Acts 18-19)
June 23     |    Advancing the Gospel (Doctrine: Mission of the Church)

Unit 35
June 30     |   Enduring with God’s Perspective (Acts 20-22)
July 7         |   Enduring with God’s Presence (Acts 22-23)
July 14      |   Enduring with God’s Promises (Acts 24-26)
July 21      |  Enduring with God’s People (Acts 27-28)
July 28      |  Enduring with God’s Purpose (Acts 28)
Aug 4         |  Endurance and Christ’s Exaltation (Doctrine: Christ’s Exaltation)

Unit 36
Aug 11      |   Worshiping Our Resurrected Lamb (Revelation 4-5)
Aug 18      |   Worshiping Our Conquering King (Revelation 19-20)
Aug 25      |  Worshiping Our Glorious God (Doctrine: New Heaven and New Earth)

Life Group Guest Connect Card
If you have a guest in your Life Group then please fill out this form. There is also a QR scan code located on the room sign outside your classroom door. Guests can scan the code with their phone cameras (just open camera and hold still over the code) and then a link to a form will pop up. Tell the guest to click the link and it will lead him/her to the form.


How to Reserve a Room/Space
To reserve a space on campus for a Life Group gathering, fill out this form then contact Ashlyn for further questions at 254-772-9696 or

How to Reserve the MAC on Sunday Afternoons
The MAC would love to host your Life Group on Sunday afternoons from 12 – 5 PM! This is the perfect place for you to eat lunch and play or if you would rather go elsewhere to eat and then come back and play at the MAC. Equipment available to use includes dodge balls, scooters, basketballs, etc. This is great and easy way to encourage community with your life group members and their families. Fill out this form then contact Ashlyn for further questions at 254-772-9696 or