Let’s Talk About It.

Did you know? One in five adults and one in six youth experience mental health challenges every year? And things aren’t getting better. To make matters worse, due to stigma surrounding issues like these, many people (both inside and outside the church) suffer in silence and isolation. As followers of Jesus, how should we respond to this rising mental health crisis?

Care Day is an annual, community-wide event hosted by First Woodway designed to normalize (and therefore destigmatize) the conversation about mental health in the church. At this free event, you will find helpful, hope-filled learning opportunities that address some of the common emotional and mental health challenges you and your loved ones experience. These seminar-style sessions will be led by experts in their field and will include topics such as anxiety, depression, grief, caregiving, trauma, and more. Learn more about these sessions and their leaders below. If you find yourself or a loved one struggling, please know there is hope! Care Day might be your first step toward help and healing, so grab a friend and register today.

Questions? Please reach out to Alexis Gurley, Congregational Care Coordinator, or call the church office at 254.772.9696.


Everyone is welcome to attend this free event!
You don’t have to be a church member to sign-up.
(Childcare is available for regular FW attenders only.)


2:30 – 3:45 pm
Round 1 of Sessions
Throughout FW Campus

3:45 – 4:15 pm
Connection Time + Light Refreshments
Worship Center

4:15 – 5:30 pm
Round 2 of Sessions
Throughout FW Campus

Breakout Sessions + Speakers

Led by Alice Fry, LMSW, MTS | Clinical Therapist with Methodist Children’s Home

Both Sessions

As an adult, anxiety can come in many different forms. You might experience persistent worry or fear, physical symptoms like a racing heart or muscle tension, or difficulties with sleep and concentration. While these symptoms can feel unmanageable and overwhelming, it’s important to remember you’re not alone. In this session, we will explore how culture and environment, bio-temperament and trauma can all contribute to anxiety symptoms. We’ll talk about how to identify anxiety as well as provide practical tools to manage anxiety. Lastly, we will discuss the options when it comes to seeking professional support.

Led by Julia Becker, PsyD | Licensed Clinical Psychologist

Both Sessions

Our Christian identity, prayer life, and community can be strong protective factors against depression. Struggles in any of these areas can contribute to depression. We will discuss ways to strengthen these specific areas. In addition, we will discuss how traditional models of counseling such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can be integrated within this approach.

Led by Lynette Wilson, M.MFT, LMFT-S | Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Supervisor with Journey Counseling

1st Session Only

The National Council for Behavioral Health reports that 70% of adults in the U.S. have experienced some type of traumatic event at least once in their lives. Experiencing a traumatic event can bring suffering, hopelessness, and isolation. The good news is that trauma is treatable, and people can and do recover. Come gain a greater understanding of trauma and learn helpful tools and resources to bring hope and healing.

Led by Marissa Smith, M.Div, LCSW-S, LCPAA | Assistant Vice President for Programs at Methodist Children’s Home

1st Session Only

Anxiety and Depression are among the most commonly diagnosed mental health disorders in children. Feelings of worry and sadness are a normal part of childhood, but a child might need additional support if the feelings interfere with daily life. We will discuss the signs and symptoms of anxiety and depression in children and how caregivers can respond to better meet their child’s needs.

Led by Dr. Bill Hoy, FT | Retired Clinical Professor, Medical Humanities Program, Baylor University

2nd Session Only

Though grief can occur in our lives from a variety of different kinds of losses, there is widespread misunderstanding about what healthy grieving includes. Bereaved individuals often grapple with questions like “Am I doing this right?” and “How can I get through this loss?” In this fast-paced discussion, we will tackle these questions and many others that grieving people ask as they navigate loss.

Led by Dr. Dennis Myers, Ph.D., LCSW | Danny and Lenn Prince Chair, Garland School of Social Work, Baylor University

1st Session Only

After you raised your children, you probably thought your caregiving days were over–only to find yourself caring for an aging parent, spouse, or a sick loved one. This newfound role can feel challenging, isolating, and overwhelming. We will look at care planning, making difficult decisions, using health care services, and care with the caregiver. We will consider the idea that caregiving is an opportunity for personal and spiritual growth.

Led by Kelly Woods, LMFT | Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

1st Session Only

Communication is tough, especially when there is conflict or disagreement. All of us want to be able to talk with loved ones and work through challenging conversations well. When there are misunderstandings and hurt feelings, tensions can escalate. We will discuss how to talk effectively to meet your relationship goals and to heal from past relational wounds. This session will be of special interest to married couples, but also to anyone addressing a relationship challenge.

Led by Nick & Marley Hayman  |  LPC-Associate  Former Youth Mentor and Development Coordinator with Youth Reach Houston & Clinical Director of Crestview Christian Counseling Center

2nd Session Only

Today’s youth face challenges regarding anxiety, depression, and other mental health related issues that contribute to these challenges. We will explore the barriers that make connection and communication challenging between pvarents and youth and how to begin breaking down those walls to create healthier relationships. This session is designed for parents and youth to attend together.

Led by Hannah Osborne, LCSW | Case Manager at Methodist Children’s Home, Family Outreach Department

2nd Session Only

Parenting can be a wonderful journey, but it’s not without its challenges. In this session you will be introduced to Trust Based Relational Intervention® (TBRI®), which is an evidence-based, trauma-informed approach designed to help caregivers connect with their children while addressing challenging behaviors with empathy and intention. Participants will explore the foundational principles of TBRI – Connection, Empowerment, and Correction – and gain insights in responding to their children in ways that build trust and foster healthy relationships. This session is perfect for anyone seeking information and actionable strategies to use to increase their connection and better their responses with their children.

Led by Doug Webster, MDiv | Founder and President of Jesus College

2nd Session Only

Discover biblical wisdom and practical application to navigate the challenging and often unsupported, unguided season of life with adult children. Topics will include: Keep Your Mouth Shut and the Welcome Mat Out. Why Is It Taking My Kid So Long to Grow Up? When a Grown Child Veers. Money. Grand-parenting – the 5th Chamber — all with the objective to parent your adult child like Jesus would if He were you. This session will include interactive teaching, peer conversation and empathic support.

Liderardo por Cintia Aguilar, MDiv, LCSW | Associate Pastor of Community and Mission Ministries at Primera Iglesia Bautista de Waco

Solo Primera Sesion

En esta sesión, los participantes repasarán las definiciones de diferentes problemas de salud mental, como depresión, ansiedad, trastorno de estrés postraumático y más. El material analizará los síntomas presentados, cómo identificarlos y cómo responder siendo una comunidad de la iglesia. Además, la sesión proporcionará una lista de recursos disponibles para la comunidad de habla hispana en Waco y sus alrededores.


Led by Molly, Ashley, Emily, M.MFT, LMFT, & Shaun Burrow, Ph.D, LMFT-Supervisor, LPC-Supervisor  |  Director of Operations for Envisioned Counseling and Consulting + Clinical Director of Texas A&M Christian Counseling Center in College Station + CEO of Envisioned Counseling and Consulting

Both Sessions

Since 2011, there has been an unprecedented rise in mental health challenges among teenage girls. As parents, how do we raise our daughters to be emotionally strong and resilient? Come learn as the Burrow family shares from their clinical experience and personal expertise. (Mother/daughter, Emily and Molly, will lead the first session. Father/daughter, Shaun and Ashley, will lead the second session.)