2 0 2 4 H O L Y L A N D T O U R
Spring Trip to the Holy Land
April 29 – May 8, 2024
Join us for a 10-day tour of the Holy Land this next spring. We will stay overnight in Tiberias along the shores of the Sea of Galilee and in the “Holy City” of Jerusalem. Paul Sands will lead daily devotionals as we tour the sites of familiar Bible stories. Trip package includes round-trip travel from Dallas to Tel Aviv, hotel stays, breakfast and dinner, and tips.
Trip Waitlist
The Spring 2024 trip is full, and there is now a waitlist. To officially be placed on the waitlist, you must send an enrollment form and a $500 trip deposit directly to Dahoney Travel. Linda Sands was able to confirm with Dahoney that those on the waitlist will NOT be charged the deposit unless they are moved into an open spot on the trip list.
Here is Dahoney’s explanation:
For those on the waitlist, we won’t actually process a deposit just to hold their place. We do want them to complete an enrollment form and provide a form of payment for their deposit. That way, if/when we are able to confirm them on the trip, all that needs to happen is a quick phone call or email verifying that they’re still interested and getting their permission to process the deposit. If someone on the waitlist decides they want to be removed, there is no penalty. We simply remove their name and go on to the next person on the list. It is only after a traveler is officially confirmed on the tour and their $500 deposit processed that they become subject to the cancellation terms & policies provided in the travel brochure.
Dehoney Travel
Phone: 812-206-1080 or 800-325-6708
Email: info@dehoneytravel.com
Video Preview of the Holy Land Tour